Workshops & Events

Fri, Jun 14 7:30pm

New Moon Sound Healing w/Gianna

Join us for a blissful heart opening evening as we dive into setting powerful New Moon Intentions with Cacao, Reiki energy healing and a restorative sound healing journey with Gianna.

$33 for Members and Non-Members

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Sat, Jun 15 12:00pm

A Song of Fire & Ice

Join John Jay for an amazing workshop, where we will hop out of the frying pan and into the fire of ice! The Yoga Sutras ask us to practice non-attachment, remembering the fluidity of life and our ever changing experiences. We will explore these teachings in the extremes of Hot Yoga and Ice Baths. With the power of breathwork and commitment we will strive to let go in the understanding that all things must pass, both pleasant and unpleasant. Let’s unlock our full potential and power, as we find comfort in the most uncomfortable of settings! Other benefits include: increased energy, better sleep, reduced stress levels, heightened focus and determination, stronger immune system, and increased will power. Hot Yoga/Breathwork/Ice Baths 12:00-3:00pm

$75 for Members $90 for non-Members

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Fri, Jun 21 7:00pm

Ritmos del Cuerpo w/ Bruna

Ritmos del Cuerpo (Rhythms of the Body) is a self-expression lab. It is an experimental-always-changing group dynamic, where we will meet as a community and use both spontaneous and directed movements to create unique senses of being and feeling. Ritmos del Cuerpo is an individual and collective experience at the same time. It’s held in a group setting because, as social beings, there’s a lot of insights that can come from sharing an experience with other humans in a safe environment. By being who I am, I can inspire those around me to be who they are and vice versa. And it’s also individual because it’s an internal search, an internal process, and it’s unique for each person in the dynamic. We will focus on the body and let the mind take the passenger seat for a bit. We will breathe, dance, shake, scream, laugh, cry, run, jump, play percussive instruments, meditate… and see what comes from that – but with no expectations. We will start with a light stretch and then move our way out of our mats. Self-expression exercises will be intentional towards releasing stiffness (physical and mental). Bruna started leading group dynamics back in Brasil and wants to offer this experience as a gift to anyone who feels called. We follow 3 major principles in our circles: Non-monetary (we don’t accept any kind of payment and/or tips). Non-judgmental (we encourage a full-accepting non-conclusive approach). Complete respect towards one another (we cultivate a safe space for everyone to flourish). Bring your mat and water.

Free To All

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Sun, Jun 30 7:30pm

Kundalini Activation Process w/Alex

Kundalini Activation is direct transmission of pure life force energy. It is a spiritual process of elevation, self-realization and awakening of your own divine energy. The Kundalini represents our infinite multi-dimensional potential. It is our inner Portal to All that is. When the power of your life force awakens, a complete rewiring begins: releasing all that does not serve you, activating all the gifts of your soul. During a Kundalini activation, I open the portal, creating a vortex of intensified light frequency. You simply open and welcome the experience fully. Through the shakti kundalini portal your system enters in resonance and starts to adjust to it naturally. Your vibration increases and you experience a return to the original harmony of your spiritual essence. This divine energy is incredibly intelligent and will purify and activate exactly what you need on a physical, energetic, spiritual, mental and emotional level.

$55 For Members and Non-Members

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Sat, Jun 22 12:00pm

Hop Into Summer w/Asia

Come hop into Summer with this Fiery inversion workshop. We will begin with some drills around ways to get into your inversion, some wall time and flow. Handstands are a great way to harness your own power and flip your perspective. Come play, energize and learn to trust yourself. Life is play and this is a great reminder of how good it feels just to lean in, whatever the outcome.

$22 for Members and Non-Members

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Wed, Jul 24 7:00pm

20 HR Yin Yoga Training w/Dani & Mae

Imagine yourself being so resourceful that you can nourish your body, nervous system, mind, and energy on your own through the modality of Yin Yoga. Yin Yoga focuses on the often neglected parts of the body - the joints, tendons, and fascia. This program is an opportunity to prioritize moving slowly and calming the anxious, modern mind. This Yin Yoga training will provide you with the resources to understand meditation, anatomy and physiology, and the nadis and meridians within the practice of Yin. Whether you are hoping to teach Yin or a practitioner, this training will prepare you to create a Yin Yoga sequence of your own - backed by the knowledge of its history and benefits. Dates: July 24, 27, 28, 31

Tier 1- $350 (first 5 people) Tier 2- $450

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